C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
In this post, you will learn how to write a C program to check whether a number is a palindrome or not.
A Palindrome is a number, string, or sequence that remains the same when it is reversed. A palindrome sequence can be a combination of digits or numbers, but it looks the same in forward and backward. It is generally used where recreational mathematics is applied, like puzzles, games. To check whether a number or string is palindrome or not, simply reverse it and compare it with the original number or string. If both are same, then the number or string is a palindrome, otherwise not.
121, 1991, 1239321, MAAM, DAD, WOW
When we reverse the above numbers or strings, they will remain the same. So, all the above are palindrome.
C program to check palindrome using while loop
In the given C program, first we ask the user to enter a number. Then, we generate a new number by reversing the original number. Next, we have checked if the original number and reversed number are the same. The number is a palindrome.
// C program to check palindrome
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num, rev_num=0, remainder, temp;
printf("Please enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
/* Generating new number by reversing
the original number */
// check both original number and reverse number
printf("%d is a palindrome number.",num);
printf("%d is not a palindrome number.",num);
return 0;
Output 1 -
Please enter an integer: 45654
45654 is a palindrome number.
Output 2 -
Please enter an integer: 1223221
1223221 is a palindrome number.
C program to check palindrome using recursion
A recursion function is a function that is called itself. In the given example, we call the recursion function to check the palindrome. A recursion function continues until some condition is met to prevent it. That's why, we use the if else statement to break the infinite recursion. Here, we have used a user-defined recursion function is_palindrome() to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.
int is_palindrome(int num){
static int rev_num=0,rem;
rem = num%10;
rev_num = rev_num*10+rem;
return rev_num;
int main(){
int num, rev_num;
printf("Please enter a number : ");
rev_num = is_palindrome(num);
if(num == rev_num)
printf("%d is a palindrome number.",num);
printf("%d is not a palindrome number.",num);
return 0;
Output of the above code:
Please enter a number : 4566654
4566654 is a palindrome number.
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