Convert list to string Python
In this post, you will learn different ways to convert a list to a string using the Python programming language.
While developing software, we may face some scenario where there may be a need to convert a list to a string. In Python, List is mostly used data structure, it contains any type of data objects with comma separated and enclosed within a square bracket. A single list may contain data types like Integers, Strings, as well as Objects or even another list inside a list. In Python, string is used for representing characters. Strings are immutable, indexable, iterable. There are several ways to convert a list to a string, like using list comprehension, map() method, join() method.
Using join() method
The join() method is a Python string method and returns a string by joining all the elements of an iterable, separated by a string separator. It provides a flexible way to create strings from iterable objects. It joins each element of an iterable list by a string separator and returns the concatenated string. Here is the syntax of join() -
Here, iterable is the required parameter. It is an iterable object where all the returned values are strings. The following code is an example of join() function to convert a list to a string. It is considered a space as a separator.
def listToString(x):
# initialize an empty string
string = " "
# return string
# list elements
list_x = ['Welcome', 'to', 'etutorialspoint', 'website']
Output of the above code -
Welcome to etutorialspoint website
Using map() method
Python's inbuilt map() function applies a function on all the items of an iterator given as input and returns a map object of the results after applying the given function to each item. The iterator can be a list, tuple, dictionary or string. The syntax of map() function is -
map(fun, iter)
Here, fun is the function to execute for each item and iter is an iterable compulsory object.
list_x = ['He', 'sold', 2, 'tables', 'and', 10, 'chairs']
# using map function
listToString = ' '.join(map(str, list_x))
Output of the above code -
He sold 2 tables and 10 chairs
Using list comprehension
A list comprehension is a syntactic construct available in some programming languages for creating a list based on existing lists. It provides a concise way to create lists and uses square brackets ([])
# Python program to convert a list
list_x = ['I', 'got', 5, 'chocolates', 'and', 2, 'candies']
# using list comprehension
listToString = ' '.join([str(s) for s in list_x])
Output of the above code -
I got 5 chocolates and 2 candies
List iteration process
In the list iteration process, we iterate over the given string using a for loop and add its element to the string variable.
# Function to convert list to string
def listToString(x):
# initialize an empty string
str1 = ""
# traverse in the string
for ele in x:
str1 += ele
# return string
return str1
# list elements
list_x = ['Hello',' Friend',', ','How',' are',' you','?']
# Printing list
Output of the above code -
Hello Friend, How are you?
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