MySQL Pattern Matching
MySQL provides standard SQL pattern matching and extended regular expressions.
SQL Pattern matching
In SQL Pattern matching, _ is used to match single character and % is used to match an arbitrary number of characters.
Starting with character -The given query returns all records of students whose name starting with 'a'.
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where name 'a%';
Containing match character - The given query returns all records of students whose name contain 'z' character.
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where name '%z%';
Ending with character - The given query returns all records of students whose name end with 'ty'.
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where lastname '%ty';
Extended Regular Expression
To apply extended regular expression REGEXP and NOT REGEXP operators are used with pattern matching characters.
Pattern | Description |
. | To match any single character |
^ | To match beginning of string |
$ | To match end of string |
[...] | To match any character between square bracket. Ex- [pqr] matches p, q, r, [a-z] matches any letter, [0-9] matches any digit. |
* | To match zero or more instances of the preceding thing |
+ | To match one or more instances of the preceding thing |
To get name of students starting with 'a'
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where name REGEXP '^a';
To get name of students containing a 'z'
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where name REGEXP 'z';
To get name of students ending with 'fy'
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where lastname REGEXP 'fy$';
To get name of students containing exactly four characters.
mysql->SELECT * FROM students where name REGEXP '^....$';