PHP ceil() function

The ceil() function is used to round a float value to the nearest integer value. This is basically used in mathematical problems to round up the decimal value to the next highest integer value.


float ceil(value);

It takes single integer or float value in parameter and returns round up value to the nearest higher integer.

Example of ceil()

	// Positive decimal number
    echo  ceil(0.21).'<br/>';
	// Negative decimal number
    echo  ceil(- 0.21).'<br/>';
	// Positive decimal number
    echo  ceil(0.27).'<br/>';
	// Positive number
    echo  ceil(6).'<br/>';
	// Negative number
    echo  ceil(-6).'<br/>';
	// Negative decimal number
    echo  ceil(-6.9).'<br/>';

Output :


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