PHP substr() function

This function is used to return a part of a string or substring from a string, starting from a given position.


substr(string_name, start_position, substring_length)

string_name - It is the required parameter. It should be string datatype.
start_position - It is also a required parameter. It specifies the string position and always be an integer value.
substring_length - It contains length of string. If it is positive, the returned string contains length characters from the beginning and if it is negative, the returned string contains length characters from the end of the string.


    $str = 'Welcome to India!';
    $substr1 = substr($str, 0); 
    echo $substr1.'<br/>';
    $substr2 = substr($str, 0 , 7);
    echo $substr2.'<br/>';
    $substr3 = substr($str, 7, 9);
    echo $substr3;

Output :

to India

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