Asking Questions in French with Pronunciation

English French Voice
What happened? Qu’est-il arrivé?
May I go? Puis-je partir?
Who is it? Qu’est-ce?
What did you say? Qu’est-ce que vous avez dit?
Are you angry? Es-tu fâché?
How is the family? Comment va la famille?
What is the trouble? Quel est le problème?
Do you know? Savez-vous?
When did you come? Quand es-tu arrivé?
Is it holiday today? Est-ce des vacances aujourd’hui?
Where were you? Où étiez-vous?
Did you understand? Avez-vous compris?
How are you? Comment ça va?
What is your name? Quel est votre nom?
Where is Priska? Où est Priska?
Where shall we meet? Où devrions-nous nous retrouver?
Who is coming? Qui arrive?
What is the menu for dinner? Quel est le menu du dîner?
How is your father now? Comment va ton père maintenant?
How do you do? comment allez-vous?
Which is the best hotel here? Quel est le meilleur hôtel ici?
Who is this gentleman? Qui est ce monsieur?
How old are you? Quel âge avez-vous?
What is your occupation? Quel est ton occupation?
How long will it take? Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il?