French Basic Sentences

Small speech and orders are an important part of conversational English. These are the most common form of small speech and order sentences that we generally used in our daily life. These are the most common form of basic small speeches in French that we generally used in our daily life. Click on the audio icon to get the right pronunciation.

English French Listen
Just Coming Arrivant à peine
Very well Très bien
It is fine C’est bon
See you tomorrow À demain
Stop Arrêtez
Listen Ecoutez
Speak Parler
Come here Venez ici
Look here Regardez ici
Take it Prends-le
Get off Descendez
Keep quiet Garder le silence
Try again Réessayer
Well done Bien joué
Hey Hey
My God Mon Dieu
Of course Bien sûr
Hurry up Dépêchez-vous
How sweet C’est gentil
How terrible Comme c’est terrible
How sad Quelle tristesse
Same to you Pareillement
Oh God Oh mon Dieu
Really Vraiment
Congratulations Toutes nos félicitations
What an idea Quelle idée
Yes, it is Oui, ça l’est
Thank God Dieu merci
As you like Comme vous voulez