Spanish Basic Sentences with Pronunciation

Small speech and orders are an important part of conversational English. These are the most common form of small speech and order sentences that we generally used in our daily life. These are the most common form of basic small speeches in Spanish that we generally used in our daily life. Click on the audio icon to get the right pronunciation.

English Spanish Listen
Just Coming Solo viene
Very well Muy bien
It is fine Está bien
See you tomorrow Nos vemos mañana
Stop Detener
Listen Escucha
Speak Hablar
Come here Ven aca
Look here Mira aquí
Take it Tómalo
Get off Bajate
Keep quiet Callar
Try again Inténtalo de nuevo
Well done Bien hecho
Hey Oye
My God Dios mío
Of course Por supuesto
Hurry up Darse prisa
How sweet Que dulce
How terrible Que terrible
How sad Qué triste
Same to you La misma para ti
Oh God Oh Dios
Really De Verdad
Congratulations Felicidades
What an idea Qué idea
Yes, it is sí lo es
Thank God Gracias a Dios
As you like Como quieras