PHP loop through an associative array

Write a program to loop through an associative array using foreach() or with each().

Suppose an associative array is -

$a = array('One' => 'Cat', 'Two' => 'Dog', 'Three' =>'Elephant', 'Four' => 'fox');


In associative array, elements are defined in key/value pairs. When using an associative array and wanting to access all data in it, the keys are also of relevance. For this, the foreach() loop must also provide a variable name for the element's key, not only for its value.

$a = array('One' => 'Cat', 'Two' => 'Dog', 'Three' =>'Elephant', 'Four' => 'Fox');
foreach ($a as $key => $value)
   echo $key.' : '. $value.'<br/>';

Output of the above code -

One : Cat
Two : Dog
Three : Elephant
Four : Fox

Looping through all array elements with for is not feasible. However, the combination of each() and while can be used, as can be seen in the following code. The important point is that the key name can be retrieved either using the index 0 or the string index 'key'.

$a = array('One' => 'Cat', 'Two' => 'Dog', 'Three' =>'Elephant', 'Four' => 'Fox');
while ($element = each($a)) {
   echo htmlspecialchars($element['key'] . ': ' .$element['value']) . '<br/>';

Output of the above code -

One : Cat
Two : Dog
Three : Elephant
Four : Fox

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