English Grammar – Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is used for such a task which will be finished in the future for a given time.

Rules of Future Perfect Tense

Subject + will have + V3

These are the some examples of Future Perfect Tense.

Hindi English
वह यहां आ गया होगा। He will have come here.
वह पहुंच गई होगी। She will have reached.
ट्रेन निकल चुकी होगी। The train will have left.

वह तब तक दो बार इस किताब को पढ़ चुकी होगी। She will have read this book twice by then.
10 मई तक मेरी परीक्षा समाप्त हो जाएगी। My examination will have finished by the 10th of May.
उसने उस समय तक काम पूरा कर लिया होगा। He will have finished the job by that time.
मैं सोने से पहले आ जाऊंगा। I will have come before he sleep.
वह पाँच बजे तक आ जाएगा। He will have come by five o’clock.
वह पुलिस के आने से पहले बाहर चला गया होगा। He will have gone out before the police come.