English Grammar – Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is used for tasks that would normally occur in the future and also used to make sense of will, desire, determination, threat, intention.

Rules of Simple Future Tense

Subject + will/shall + V1

These are the some examples of Simple Future Tense.

Hindi English
वो काम करेंगे। They will work.
मैं वहाँ जाऊँगा। I will go there.
वह यहां जरूर आएगा। He will certainly come here.
मुझे कुछ और धन की आवश्यकता होगी। I will need some more money.
वे खेलेंगे। They will play.
खेल 5 बजे खत्म हो जाएगा। The game will be over at 5 o’clock.
वे निश्चित रूप से इस खेल को जीतेंगे। They will certainly win this game.

वह मेरी कभी नहीं सुनेगा। He will never listen to me.
वह केवल अपने पिता की ही सुनेगा। He will only listen to his father.
कार्यक्रम होंगे।। Programs will happen.
मुझे यह काम मिलेगा। I will get this job.
वह कभी मेरे सवाल का जवाब नहीं देगी। She will never answer my question.
वह घर पर होगा। He will be at home.
इस साल सब्जियां सस्ती होंगी। Vegetables will be cheap this year.
यह सर्दी बहुत ठंडी होगी। This winter will be very cool.
मैं कभी झूठ नहीं बोलूंगा। I will never tell a lie.
तुम समय पर आओगे You shall come in time.